I am the Graphic designer, artist + all-around lead creative in charge.

A born and raised Vancouverite, I live in the Lower Mainland of British Columbia with my fiancé and our two dogs, Blake & Oakley. I am a self-development junkie, who loves dance, watching hockey, and eating poutines.

I had gone through most of my life without a clear idea of what I wanted to do. I was constantly trying new things, taking random courses, and looking up what I didn’t know on the internet. Then one day I was given the opportunity to create a website.

Fast forward about a year, I was on my fifth website and loving every second of it. At this point I had also started an Etsy store for some of the digital art I was creating for networking marketing professionals, getting a handful of orders a month.

Graphic design became something I was excited to come home and do, even after working at my full-time office job. It was then that I finally (at almost 30), realized what I wanted to be when I grew up, a Graphic and Web Designer.

With that realization, Hailey Louise Creative was born. Since then, I’ve taken countless graphic and web design courses and had the opportunity to work with wonderful new clients. My passion is to create minimalist designs, with inspiration from nature. However, I’m happy to work with my clients to bring their individual visions to life as well.

If you’d like to see some of what I’ve been working on, head over and check out my portfolio.